
Starter code for the Duke project

View the Project on GitHub LiuChao93/duke

Duke Tasks Management

This is a simple tool to manage daily tasks.


  1. record event
  2. record todo
  3. record deadline
  4. list
  5. reminders
  6. find
  7. done
  8. delete

Record event

This features allows you to record an upcoming event at a specific date and time. Format: event name of event /at date time Example: event readbook /at 2019-10-03 10:00

Record todo

This features allows you to record an upcoming todo Format: todo name of event Example: todo read book

Record deadline

This features allows you to record an upcoming deadline at a specific date and time Format: deadline name of task /by date time Example: deadline assignment /by 2020-03-05 2359


This features allows you to list down all recorded events, todos and deadlines. Format: list


This features allows you to list out all undone events, todos and deadlines with their date and time. Format: reminders


This features allows you to find a task with a key word Format: find key words Example: find read book


This features allows you to mark a task as done in a task list. Format: done index of task in the task list Example: done 2, which means marking second task of the task list as done.


This features allows you to delete a task in a list Format: delete index of task in the task list Example: delete 1, which means deleting the first task in the task list.