Starter code for the Duke project
This is a simple tool to manage daily tasks.
This features allows you to record an upcoming event at a specific date and time. Format: event name of event /at date time Example: event readbook /at 2019-10-03 10:00
This features allows you to record an upcoming todo Format: todo name of event Example: todo read book
This features allows you to record an upcoming deadline at a specific date and time Format: deadline name of task /by date time Example: deadline assignment /by 2020-03-05 2359
This features allows you to list down all recorded events, todos and deadlines. Format: list
This features allows you to list out all undone events, todos and deadlines with their date and time. Format: reminders
This features allows you to find a task with a key word Format: find key words Example: find read book
This features allows you to mark a task as done in a task list. Format: done index of task in the task list Example: done 2, which means marking second task of the task list as done.
This features allows you to delete a task in a list Format: delete index of task in the task list Example: delete 1, which means deleting the first task in the task list.